Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Double Award- Unit 3 Exam Revision

Double Award- Unit 3 Exam Revision

Year 10 Print Media: Your brief

Egmont UK Ltd
Dear Student,
Egmont UK Ltd are always on the lookout for new ideas and pride ourselves in the role we have already played in launching many children’s magazines to the market.
We are currently working on a project to reignite the success of womens’ magazines by attracting a younger audience. We are aware that most womens’ magazines are aimed at females aged 16 and older due to their content, such as Cosmpolitan and Glamour.
At Egmont UK Ltd we already offer a magazine for younger ‘ladies’ with our successful title ‘Gogirl’ magazine.
“Go Girl is a girl's best friend! Filled with fun activities, cool quizzes, friendship tips and everything girls want to know about their fave celebrities, it's all a girl needs. Go Girl is funny, friendly, informative and entertaining.

The magazine is packed with posters of their fave stars, perfect puzzles to keep readers busy for ages and lots of quizzes so girls can find out all about themselves. There's gossip on all the coolest TV, pop and movie stars, celeb secrets, hilarious embarrassing stories, fun photostories and friendship features.

Go Girl is the coolest lifestyle magazine for girls aged 7-11 and showcases the latest fashions, hot new products and competitions where girls can win once in a lifetime experiences. It's an inclusive club that every girl can be part of and will give every girl a fun, exciting experience in a safe, colourful way.

Every issue has a great free gift and the website adds another layer to the Go Girl world. It's an all-girl party of friendship and fun!”
We now want to bridge the gap between these magazines and are looking for ideas for a new magazine aimed at females 11-16.

We recognise that it is important to respond to the concerns and identity of our modern culture and as such we are not interested in reproducing the out of date representations which have previously been such an important feature of lifestyle magazines.
We are also keen to use technology to respond to new lifestyle habits of the young, building on such successes as the iPod.
We are planning a launch of a new girls’ magazine for a monthly publication starting in the autumn, ready for the new high school audience; and here is where you have a chance to become involved. We would like to commission new designers for this first copy to give us some ideas about how we can target our audience and also use new technologies to engage them.
Remember we want our new magazine to keep all the successful codes and conventions of womens’ magazines whilst offering something fresh and relevant to the lives of our young target audience in the 21st century.
You have one week in which to research, plan and prepare and then you will be asked to complete four tasks to help us draw up a short list of entries for our final selections.
Remember to:

• keep your responses sharp and to the point

• use diagrams and illustrations to support your ideas

• use successful codes and conventions

• target your audience
We look forward to receiving your entry.
Yours faithfully,

Fi Mayll
Editor in chief

HELP...analysis of DVD covers

REMEMBER to analyse your DVD cover for both the 'codes and conventions' being used (of DVD sleeves, 'Film' and 'Horror' as a genre) and the 'target audience'.

Check out these analyses as examples.





Double Campaign

Horror Film Task:

Choose one of the following DVD cover sleeves to analyse as part of your coursework.


Writing a Treatment/Creative Brief

• Client information:

• Project:

Example: New campaign for “Citibank.”

• Prepared by:
• Background / Overview:

What's the big picture? What's going on in the market? Any opportunities or problems in the market?

This is where you introduce the project to the creative team. You'll go over this again in the briefing session, but write it down as well.

"Who is the ad talking to, and what is the one main thing we want to say?"

Example: This is a test campaign to a selection of Citibank customers. We want them to try Citibank's new "CitiClick" - which is available as an app and a widget - that makes online purchases easier and more secure - and we've got a £1 pizza offer to get them started.

• What is the objective, the purpose of the campaign?

A concise statement of the effect the ad should have on consumers. Typically, express this as an action. And focus on what the ad should make them think, feel, or do.

Example: We want people to download the free application and use it within 10 days to buy the special offer, a £1 family size pizza from Papa John's.

• Target audience: who are we talking to?

Go beyond age and sex to describe demographics and psychographics. Explain how the audience currently thinks, feels and behaves in relation to the product category.

Example: This campaign will be aimed exclusively at existing Citibank customers in three test markets: London, Manchester and Birmingham.

The primary target will be segments of our customer database: male and female, 20 to 35 YO, with at least one Citibank credit card. The target will be approximately 70% married, with combined HH incomes of £85k on average.

This audience is comfortable with new technology, and quick to test new smart phone apps or widgets that leverage their time. They like to be among the first to have the latest and greatest electronics. They make multiple online purchases monthly. We will call our representative TA persona "Joe".

• What's the single most important thing to say?

What's the single most persuasive or most compelling statement we can make to achieve the objective?

This should be a simple sentence. No more than a few sentences if absolutely necessary. Avoid generalisations.

Example: "Joe - CitiClick will simplify and speed all of your online purchases, while providing increased security."

What are the supporting rational and emotional 'reasons to believe and buy into the campaign?

Explain why the consumer should believe what we say, and why they should buy.

In other words, 'What else can we say and show to achieve the objective?'


1) It's free, from Citibank - your trusted financial partner.

2) Get a PJ pizza for £1.

3) Backed with a 100% purchase protection guarantee.

4) It has earned rave reviews from real users. (See attached quotes.)

Saturday, 22 October 2011

My Blog List: Year 11 Double

  • iPhone app Calander - Calander View for iPhone app Second Calander view for iPhone app Final Calander view for iPhone app Final Calander view with colour correction for iPhone
    13 years ago
  • Articles; Relevant To My Target Audiences' Issues - *So far i have found an article and a blog which are relevant to the issues of my target audience. * *The first, a BBC magazine article, talks about the is...
    13 years ago
  • - I have a logo for 1 step 21. I still need to name and come up with an identity for my campaign.
    13 years ago
  • Similar Campaigns! - CALM - Campaign agaisnt living miserably: The Calm Zone is a website that was set up in response to the high suicide rate among young men, currently the big...
    13 years ago
  • Billboard Posters - My Partner Chloe researched the Codes and Conventions of Billboard Posters for our project. She found the following Codes and Conventions following the ana...
    13 years ago
  • The 'Lunch Bunch' - In order to appeal to kids and make them enjoy learning about good food, which will in turn appeal to the parents, i have chosen to create several characte...
    13 years ago
  • New Decision.. - Today we had a discussion as a group and decided that it would be easier to split up into smaller groups/individuals as working in a group of 4 was making...
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My Blog List: Year 10 Media
