IPC Media
Dear Student,
IPC Media are always on the lookout for new ideas and pride ourselves in the role we have already played in launching many homes and lifestyle magazines to the market.
We are currently working on a project to reignite the previous success of lifestyle magazines by attracting a younger audience. We are aware that most lifestyle magazines are aimed at female, fairly affluent, home-owning audiences, such as Living etc, Real Homes and Homes and Gardens. In spite of this, we believe that successful lifestyle magazines can cut across all age groups and social classes, particularly by targeting a younger audience who will then continue to buy our products as they age.
We also recognise that it is important to respond to the concerns and identity of our modern culture and as such we are not interested in reproducing the out of date representations which have previously been such an important feature of lifestyle magazines.
We are also keen to use technology to respond to new lifestyle habits of the young, building on such successes as the iPod.
We are planning a launch of a new lifestyle magazine targeting students for a monthly publication starting in the autumn, ready for the new college and university audience; and here is where you have a chance to become involved. We would like to commission new designers for this first copy to give us some ideas about how we can target our audience and also use new technologies to engage them.
Remember we want our new magazine to keep all the successful codes and conventions of lifestyle magazines whilst offering something fresh and relevant to the lives of our target audience in the 21st century.
You have one week in which to research, plan and prepare and then you will be asked to complete four tasks to help us draw up a short list of entries for our final selections.
Remember to:
• keep your responses sharp and to the point
• use diagrams and illustrations to support your ideas
• use successful codes and conventions
• target your audience
We look forward to receiving your entry.
Yours faithfully,
Grace Holmes
Editor in chief
iPhone app Calander
Calander View for iPhone app
Second Calander view for iPhone app
Final Calander view for iPhone app
Final Calander view with colour correction for iPhone
13 years ago