Throughout the course you are required to undertake independent reading to further your knowledge and understanding of the exam topic:
This is Action Adventure Film in 2011.
This is an important part of the course and will also provide you with valuable skills in independent learning which you will require in exam prep’ and in further education.
The articles for you to read are in the Media Studies section of the VVS: Vale Virtual School, within the document Library under Action Adventure Film. You could also read the Media Magazines and books in the Library.
The articles should all be read over the course of the year in readiness for Exam Study in the summer term.
While you are reading you should make notes to summarise the main points of the text and keep them in a separate section of your folder.
Ensure the article title and authors are clearly stated at the top of your notes so that you can refer to and revise from them.
It would be advisable to start watching, researching and analysing this topic independently throughout Year 10 in preparation for the exam.
To help you do so, each week there will be a Media-Film session at lunchtime. A variety of Action Adventure Films will be shown throughout the year– you are required as part of your course to attend and analyse a minimum of 2 per half term.
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13 years ago