Music Video analysis...
Introduce the music video in relation to the Digital Marketing Strategy-such as
The music video features heavily as part of the digital marketing campaign and would also be promoted.....say where!
The purpose
The purpose of the music video is....
Type of Music Video
DefJam and Rihanna have chosen to use a ..... based music video in their promotion of the single.
• Give a brief summary of the plot/narrative
o Circular
o Todorovs theory
• Why set there? Discuss representations.
• Representation of ‘British’- why- for what promotional purpose could this be?
Representation of British Youth
• What activities do they engage in- give specific examples using media terminology
• What intertextual references are used- why? How does this encourage to buy?
Representation of ‘love’
• The message of the lyrics and visuals
• How visuals link to lyrics- Goodwins Theory
• Camera work- timelapse- confusion, fast pace, scenes of devastation- give specific examples- say why used.
Representation of Reality
• How is realism constructed in the music video and why?
o Handheld Camera
o Eye angle shots
• How might this represent Rihanna’s real life? Chris Brown lookalike/Car scene etc
Representation of Women
o Sexual objectification or independent woman
How does the record label promote ‘Rihanna’ the artist in the Music Video?
• Close ups- why is this a demand of the record label
• Performance elements- contrast- playing a part- not her- why is this important for promotional purposes/ her as a role model.
What other ways do the record label benefit from the Music Video other than merely through the visibility of the single?
• Monetisation through product placement- give examples
Overall conclusion- DMS and MV...BE brief! Sum up. How effective is the single promoted through the platforms you have studied!
Ensure you answer the question...
Keep referring back to the effect on the audience? Entertain? Escape? Identify? Socially Interact? Etc...this shows how it is promoted and evidence of Uses and Gratifications Theory.
Keep using the words....”representation”, “promotion” and “record label” to show you are hitting the mark scheme.
Use words of analysis....represents, signifies, denotes(for literal analysis), connotes (for underlying or metaphorical analysis), suggests, indicates, implies.
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13 years ago