Friday, 23 July 2010

Excellent Advertising Competition- worth an entry

Be Creative

Be Creative: Be a Screen Champion is a unique competition open to UK students aged 11-19. Students are invited to create an original and effective ad campaign – radio, poster, or film – to support the UK TV and film industries by encouraging people to choose legitimate content in the cinema and at home, avoiding illegal downloads.
With fantastic prizes on offer for winners and runners-up in the 11-14 and 15-19 categories, including iPods, iPads and cameras, this competition offers a real opportunity for young people to actively support film and TV and get rewarded for their creativity. There are also schools prizes up for grabs for the overall winners in each category, to include a set of iMacs with creative software plus video recording equipment.

Check out the creative brief and entry requirements HERE

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My Blog List: Year 11 Double

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My Blog List: Year 10 Media
