Thursday, 9 September 2010

TV: Rebranding UKTV: Dave channel

UKTV had a problem with UKTVG2. A channel for 16-44 men that was hard to pronounce and even harder to remember. Despite great programming it simply wasn’t connecting with viewers. Major surgery was urgently required.

Although brand cut-through was dire, we believed the channel had promise and were determined to make it the best performing brand in its market. But to succeed, we’d have to establish a clear and desirable point of difference.

The secret lay in the programmes. We knew the audience loved them for their intelligence, irreverence and genuine humour. Hence a eureka moment and the birth of a new positioning and strapline: ‘the home of witty banter.’

Clutching a great proposition we set about devising a name to match. We wanted it to be like one of our mates; Steve, Bob, Andy……why not Dave? Everyone’s got a mate called Dave. It had an accessible feel that people could relate to. And it was completely original. Nobody had named a channel after a bloke before.

Your mate Dave | Work | Red Bee Media

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My Blog List: Year 10 Media
