Monday, 3 January 2011

Audience Theories- a recap

Audience Theories

Hypodermic Needle (Syringe) Theory:

Where the theory originated?

Advertising and propaganda in the 1930s and motion picture of Hitler and the Nazis.

Key points of the theory?

This theory suggests the media is like a syringe which injects ideas, attitudes, and beliefs into the audience who as powerless mass have little choice but to be influenced.

Criticisms of the theory?

Not everyone can be affected in the same way as everyone as individual and may not become affected by what they see or hear.


Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer- who watched a clip from his favorite film (Star Wars) to get him excited.

The Two Step Flow:

Where the theory originated?

From sociologist Paul Lazarsfield in 1944

Key points of the theory?

The idea of this theory is that whatever our experience of the media we will be likely to discuss it with others and if we respect their opinion, the chances are that we we will be more likely to be affected by it, they are called opinion leaders.

Criticisms of the theory?

Peoples opinions are different so there could be two arguments or opinions to one text which makes it harder to choose which opinion to best agree with unless you experience the media yourself.


The movie Fatal Attraction can be interpreted in different ways many people might find this movie sexist others wont.

Uses and Gratifications:

Where the theory originated?

Beginning in the 1940s, researchers began seeing patterns under the perspective of the uses and gratifications theory in radio listeners.

Key points of the theory?

This theory suggests we all have different uses for the media to gratify our needs and we make choices over what we want to watch. the four main uses are:

Information- Where we want to find out about society and the world and satisfy our curiosity.

Personal Identity- We may experience a certain media in order to look for models for our behavior in life, for example we may identify with characters that we see in a soap.

Integration and social interaction- We use the media n order to find out more about the circumstances of other people. for example Facebook or celebrity gossip magazines such as Heat and OK.

Entertainment- We simply use the media for enjoyment, relaxation or just to fill time.

Criticisms of the theory?

The theory ignores the fact that we do not always have a complete choice as to what we receive from the media.


A difficulty of assessing uses and gratifications like this is that people wont often be aware of the real uses of a text in their lives.

Reception Theory:

Where the theory originated?

This work was based on Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding model of the relationship between text and audience

Key points of the theory?

Unlike the Uses and Gratifications theory where the media has an affect on the individual this theory looks at how the individual interprets the media through their gender, age and personality.

Criticisms of the theory?

Everyone is different and interpret media in different ways.


A 13 year old girl might love the artist Justin Beiber and the movie twilight where as a 17 year old boy would hate Justin Beiber and prefer The Dark Knight to Twilight. (stereotypical example)

The Culmination Theory:

Where the theory originated?


Key points of the theory?

Unlike the Hypodermic Needle Theory this theory suggests that while any one media text does not gave too much effect, years and years of watching more violence will make you less sensitive to violence.

Criticisms of the theory?

Everyone is different and this may not be the case to every individual.


Someone sees stabbing in soaps on TV so often that if they witness it, it may not affect them as much as a person who has never seen a stabbing before for example a child.

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