Concept: My concept is based on Greek mythology.
The Graces were the beautiful daughters of Zeus and Eurynome. They personified grace and beauty divided between them to indicate the various ways in which the beautiful is manifested in the world and adorns it.The Graces were Aglaia (Beauty), Euphrosyne (Pleasure), and Thalia (Blossom ). They represented the assurance of peace and happiness.
My campaign will use the same model to represent all three characters- suggesting to the buyer that they can portray a different image of beauty dependent on their mood and which fragrance they choose to wear that day.
In the billboard campaign I will try to replicate the staging in the painting by Raphael of 'The Graces' to show all of the varieties of fragrance. The magazine images will portray, individually, the three varieties of fragrance.
Representation boards:
Magazine Mock ups:
iPhone app Calander
Calander View for iPhone app
Second Calander view for iPhone app
Final Calander view for iPhone app
Final Calander view with colour correction for iPhone
13 years ago
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