Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Double Award Campaign: What do I need to do?

How you will be assessed:

You need to produce the following:
(1) An Individual Portfolio of your Research and Planning, and a Presentation, which will include:
• your research into the issue of healthy lifestyles in your local region, area or community
• research and pre-production materials detailing information about the content of the campaign, its target audience and how the production work will be organised and scheduled
• one idea and treatment for each of the two media forms you choose to work in
• a presentation of your ideas to the client prior to production to gather feedback
• detailed pre-production work for each of the two linked media products that form your campaign. (45 marks)

(2) A Campaign that consists of two fully realised linked media products from different media forms
(e.g. a documentary video and website pages, or radio adverts and posters). (35 marks)

(3) An Individual Evaluation which will consider the success of your campaign and your own role in the production process. This review and evaluation should be approximately 500 words (or equivalent) in total. (10 marks)

You may, if you wish, work as part of a group of up to four members to complete your planning and production. You will, however, be assessed on your individual contribution, so you must clearly identify and record the contribution you personally make to the final outcome.
Both the Portfolio and Evaluation must be individually produced, even if you are a member of a production group.
According to the specification you will be assessed as follows:
AO3 Demonstrate research, planning and presentation skills.
AO4 Construct and evaluate your own products using creative and technical skills.

Your marks will count as 30% of the Double Award.

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My Blog List: Year 10 Media
