Sunday, 30 January 2011

Original Photography- the guidelines

As part of Assignment 3 the AQA guidelines are that:

"Original material should be used wherever possible. If found material is used it must be manipulated in a suitable fashion such that the candidate’s own creativity is evident. "

But what does that mean?

It means that if possible original photography, i.e. your own photoshoot would be preferential.

However, if you simply cannot get original images- say you want an actress or sportsperson for example- then you can manipulate found images. But they MUST be obviously manipulated.

For example- using Evie's 'Eros' idea as an example:

These two found images could be utilised if manipulated to show your 'own creativity'.

Resulting in something such as this:

Media Edusites- Resources for your studies.

Remember you have access to resources on the study site
Lots of information on lots of our study topics.
In addition, for those of you wanting to go on to A'Level or BTEC study it will give you insight into those courses too.


Your username is 'belvoirmedia' plus the two numbers your school username starts with.

Your password is the school building where I teach Media Studies to you, plus the same two numbers from your school username.

Assignment 3: Fragrance Advertising: The guidelines

Straight from the exam board, these are the guidelines they give for Assignment 3.

Candidates are required to undertake a practical production which addresses all four key concepts, from conception to realisation, together with an evaluation of 700-800 words.

Each candidate must submit their own individual evidence of research and planning and their own evaluation.

For all of these productions the aim should be to strike a balance between creativity and the application of appropriate codes and conventions and media language.

Original material should be used wherever possible. If found material is used it must be manipulated in a suitable fashion such that the candidate’s own creativity is evident.

Advertising and Marketing

For print advertising, confidence in handling technology can be demonstrated by:

• appropriate integration of text and illustration (whether original or found material).

• language, register and content appropriate to the nature of the production and audience.

• evidence of consideration being given to typography: use of fonts, type size and colour.

• creation of a house-style.

Layout conventions should be utilised.

Advertising and Marketing conventions could include taglines, imperatives, direct address, copy, logos, or call to action.

Television Soap- Billboard poster mock ups

Print coursework examples

Both of these pieces of print work achieved full marks in Assignment Bank 1- Print- 5 marks

New photoshop technique- use the eraser to create this look.

RSS Feed- Best Design Options (bottom of blog)- taught me how to use the eraser to create this background effect.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Exemplar: Institutions: How the media reported this press release.

From The Telegraph Newspaper amongst other sources.
Despite being distributed by beauty giant L'Oréal and the fact that Margiela is no longer part of his eponymous fashion brand, Maison Martin Margiela is trying to stay true to its 'no-label' approach, naming its first scent, Untitled.

L'Oréal is also behind the fragrances of denim brand Diesel, which now owns Maison Martin Margiela. The Untitled launch has been long-awaited since the avant-garde fashion label has been in business for more than 20 years and is just now releasing its first scent.

Launched in Paris this week, Untitled is a unisex frag -created by perfumer Daniela Andrier, the 'nose' behind YSL's Rive Gauche, Gucci Rush for men (that I heart), and several Prada scents- that is described as floral, woody, and very green (including notes of fern) as well as ambery and oriental.

The unisex element as well as the typical 'blank canvas' packaging contribute to the notion of a non-stereotypical scent that, according to a press release, "can be worn by anyone, anywhere".

A statement released last year read : "This signature scent will inspire radical new perspectives for perfumes with a more personal approach, following the success of the brands with star logos[...]" .

Untitled will become available at in a world-exclusive 'preview' January 25 and will be rolled out internationally through April. It joins the ranks of other 'avant-garde' and 'niche' scents that are gaining in importance such as Standard by Comme des Garçons and Artek.

Exemplar: Institutions: The Official Press Release for "untitled" by Maison Martin Margiela

L’Oréal’s Luxury Products Division announces the signing of a partnership agreement with Maison Martin Margiela for the creation of a first line of perfumes. This agreement expresses their shared wish to combine their expertise and reflect the unconventional and innovative world of Maison Martin Margiela through a perfume.

Maison Martin Margiela, avant-garde expertise:

Graduating from the Académie Royale d’Anvers in 1979, Martin Margiela joined Jean-Paul Gaultier’s team before founding Maison Martin Margiela in 1988. At the same time, Hermès entrusted him with the artistic direction of its collections from 1999 to 2004.

In 2002, Renzo Rosso, President of the Only The Brave Group joined forces with him becoming a majority shareholder in the House. Today, Maison Martin Margiela is structured around 32 single brand sales outlets and more than 500 multi-brand stores across five continents. In 6 years, their turnover has increased fourfold.

Often characterised as iconoclastic and experimentalist, Maison Martin Margiela bases its creative expression on recycling, transformation and reinterpretation: an emotion, a unique and timeless proposition which challenges shapes and rules.
White, a symbol of simplicity and purity, unifies all the premises and items belonging to the House; it has become its most obvious visual identity, just as anonymity has become its signature.

“In our constant search for new forms of expression and creation,the desire to design a perfume appeared obvious. This perfume must be in our image, an elixir of all that we are and are fond of. The L’Oréal teams give us the human support and skills necessary to launch us on this adventure, while respecting our history, identity and values. This partnership is also a union between two worlds which mutually complement, support, nurture and inspire.” Maison Martin Margiela.

An unconventional perfume expression:

For Patricia Turck Paquelier, President of Prestige and Collections International within L’Oréal’s Luxury Products Division, “By pre-empting the ‘No Logo’ domain, for more than 20 years Maison Martin Margiela has opened up a novel channel in the luxury market with its discrete label with four stitches.

This signature scent will inspire radical new perspectives for perfumes with a more personal approach, following the success of the brands with star logos. A requirement for the thousands of people world wide searching for unostentatious luxury.
As always with Maison Martin Margiela, we will explore new areas with them for an unconventional expression of their perfumes. This will also be a collective story, conducted by men and women who share values such as excellence in quality and their teamwork with L’Oréal.”

Marmite use the codes and conventions of fragrance advertising!

Love it or Hate it?

Trend Hunter: Check out the new RSS Feeds at the bottom of the blog

Trendhunter feeds on: Top 10 Trends, Style and Fashion and Marketing Strategy now appear at the bottom of this blog. Check them out for inspiration.

Who is the target audience?

What do you make of this editorial? What ideology is being portrayed? What messages are at play?
What do you think of it?

Representation: Colour boards

Exemplar: My Fragrance Campaign- The Graces

Concept: My concept is based on Greek mythology.

The Graces were the beautiful daughters of Zeus and Eurynome. They personified grace and beauty divided between them to indicate the various ways in which the beautiful is manifested in the world and adorns it.The Graces were Aglaia (Beauty), Euphrosyne (Pleasure), and Thalia (Blossom ). They represented the assurance of peace and happiness.

My campaign will use the same model to represent all three characters- suggesting to the buyer that they can portray a different image of beauty dependent on their mood and which fragrance they choose to wear that day.

In the billboard campaign I will try to replicate the staging in the painting by Raphael of 'The Graces' to show all of the varieties of fragrance. The magazine images will portray, individually, the three varieties of fragrance.

Representation boards:

Magazine Mock ups:

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

ACTION ADVENTURE- A REALLY REALLY and I mean REALLY good site for revision

Why do all the hard work when someone else has done it for you...
This is absolutely the BEST site for your ACTION ADVENTURE  revision reading...
A BLOG on the best 50 ACTION sequences ever made...Obviously this is this guys opinion but nevertheless some excellent choices for you to look at and interesting discussion notes on every single some links still work.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

New Media used in police hunt!

Joanna Yeates police launch Facebook appeal to find killer. Campaign involving advert that allows people to contact police online is more effective than posters and leafleting, say detectives.
Read more:

Monday, 3 January 2011

Market Research: A deeper look at everyday life

A neat little presentation on customer motivation. Some good messages in this.

Audience Theories- a recap

Audience Theories

Hypodermic Needle (Syringe) Theory:

Where the theory originated?

Advertising and propaganda in the 1930s and motion picture of Hitler and the Nazis.

Key points of the theory?

This theory suggests the media is like a syringe which injects ideas, attitudes, and beliefs into the audience who as powerless mass have little choice but to be influenced.

Criticisms of the theory?

Not everyone can be affected in the same way as everyone as individual and may not become affected by what they see or hear.


Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer- who watched a clip from his favorite film (Star Wars) to get him excited.

The Two Step Flow:

Where the theory originated?

From sociologist Paul Lazarsfield in 1944

Key points of the theory?

The idea of this theory is that whatever our experience of the media we will be likely to discuss it with others and if we respect their opinion, the chances are that we we will be more likely to be affected by it, they are called opinion leaders.

Criticisms of the theory?

Peoples opinions are different so there could be two arguments or opinions to one text which makes it harder to choose which opinion to best agree with unless you experience the media yourself.


The movie Fatal Attraction can be interpreted in different ways many people might find this movie sexist others wont.

Uses and Gratifications:

Where the theory originated?

Beginning in the 1940s, researchers began seeing patterns under the perspective of the uses and gratifications theory in radio listeners.

Key points of the theory?

This theory suggests we all have different uses for the media to gratify our needs and we make choices over what we want to watch. the four main uses are:

Information- Where we want to find out about society and the world and satisfy our curiosity.

Personal Identity- We may experience a certain media in order to look for models for our behavior in life, for example we may identify with characters that we see in a soap.

Integration and social interaction- We use the media n order to find out more about the circumstances of other people. for example Facebook or celebrity gossip magazines such as Heat and OK.

Entertainment- We simply use the media for enjoyment, relaxation or just to fill time.

Criticisms of the theory?

The theory ignores the fact that we do not always have a complete choice as to what we receive from the media.


A difficulty of assessing uses and gratifications like this is that people wont often be aware of the real uses of a text in their lives.

Reception Theory:

Where the theory originated?

This work was based on Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding model of the relationship between text and audience

Key points of the theory?

Unlike the Uses and Gratifications theory where the media has an affect on the individual this theory looks at how the individual interprets the media through their gender, age and personality.

Criticisms of the theory?

Everyone is different and interpret media in different ways.


A 13 year old girl might love the artist Justin Beiber and the movie twilight where as a 17 year old boy would hate Justin Beiber and prefer The Dark Knight to Twilight. (stereotypical example)

The Culmination Theory:

Where the theory originated?


Key points of the theory?

Unlike the Hypodermic Needle Theory this theory suggests that while any one media text does not gave too much effect, years and years of watching more violence will make you less sensitive to violence.

Criticisms of the theory?

Everyone is different and this may not be the case to every individual.


Someone sees stabbing in soaps on TV so often that if they witness it, it may not affect them as much as a person who has never seen a stabbing before for example a child.

My Blog List: Year 11 Double

  • iPhone app Calander - Calander View for iPhone app Second Calander view for iPhone app Final Calander view for iPhone app Final Calander view with colour correction for iPhone
    13 years ago
  • Articles; Relevant To My Target Audiences' Issues - *So far i have found an article and a blog which are relevant to the issues of my target audience. * *The first, a BBC magazine article, talks about the is...
    13 years ago
  • - I have a logo for 1 step 21. I still need to name and come up with an identity for my campaign.
    13 years ago
  • Similar Campaigns! - CALM - Campaign agaisnt living miserably: The Calm Zone is a website that was set up in response to the high suicide rate among young men, currently the big...
    13 years ago
  • Billboard Posters - My Partner Chloe researched the Codes and Conventions of Billboard Posters for our project. She found the following Codes and Conventions following the ana...
    13 years ago
  • The 'Lunch Bunch' - In order to appeal to kids and make them enjoy learning about good food, which will in turn appeal to the parents, i have chosen to create several characte...
    13 years ago
  • New Decision.. - Today we had a discussion as a group and decided that it would be easier to split up into smaller groups/individuals as working in a group of 4 was making...
    13 years ago

My Blog List: Year 10 Media
